Saturday, February 26, 2005

Scrunch, munch, crunch

Is the sound of me eating a large portion of humble pie/my own words - whichever has less points.

I had a really great time - apart from two things, more on them later.

Rhubarb was a lovely restaurant - the menu that we chose from was actually not the "sample menu" on the website, but the occasions menu. I had - a rocket and parmesan salad, but left a lot of parmesan, as the rocket to parmesan ratio was poor, very nice balsamic dressing; sea bream with lemon and watercress potatoes and salsa, and then I had a rhubarb creme brulee - hence the rocket starter! It was lovely, and I had a great time with my friends who were all drinking and all on good form - especially Jo, mentioned earlier, which was good to see. Only bones - why did we split the bill, when I wasn't drinking -I paid my share of 4 bottles of wine, which seemed a little harsh, especially in an expensive restaurant, and also, today I feel hungover, which seems also harsh. I think it's tiredness, as I didn't get to bed until 12.30, and had bizarre dreams about my old history teacher. Hmmmm...

Anyway, off to Leeds this afternoon with my beautiful son, to visit my oldest friend, Clare and her new baby Emily, and then to pop in on my BIL and SIL who, bizarrely, live across the road from Clare.

Did a HUUUUGE Tesco shop this morning - all of it healthy and all sticking to the Plan as devised by me yesterday over breakfast to get back on track. Broccoli and Cauliflower soup, leek and butternut squash soup and aubergine, mushroom and lentil curry are now gently simmering on my cooker.

What I find bizarre about this WW adventure is that for the first time ever, despite setbacks, I am sticking to it - good week and bad have the same effect; I want to carry on. Don't get me wrong, I'll never be skinny, but I have this desire to keep going until I know it's right to stop, and then, see what happens. I'll always have a Big Girl Psyche, because I'll always be a Big Girl, it's a part of who I am, but I don't feel like I'm trying to conform to anything, or be anything that anyone else wants me to be - I'm happy in my skin and have been for ages, and maybe that's why things are working pretty well?

How I ramble on, I really like how this blog helps me to organise my thoughts, even though it must make very strange reading...


Jess said...

Glad it was better than expected! Your dinner sounds yummy. Paying for the wine does sound harsh, especially when you have to be the driver!

Sally said...

I knew you'd have fun. I do that sometimes - convince myself I don't want to go out, then go and have a blast...

Have you tried butternut squash chips? I live on them at the moment - they feel really naughty but have 0 points. So I make them all the time - Sainsbury's has no squash just cut them into chips, spray them with the onecal oil spray stuff and bake at gas mark 7 for 20 minutes. They need a LOT of salt but they taste like chipshop chips. I find them more satisfying than 0 point soup....

You're my inspiration on WW you know. Keep up the amazing work.

Sal xxxxx