Sunday, February 06, 2005

And I was right

As I predicted the below occured, which resulted in Friday night being wierd and somewhat drunken night, I had to stay in bed until 2.30 yesterday. I do feel that the hangover was a little disproportionate to the consumption of alcohol, I think the rundowness of myself (see the coldsore, which is still in absolute full sail) had a major contrubition to make. It was nice in some ways to be in a nice warm cocoon of bed and sleep and doze, but I really did feel terrible at about 10am including vomiting bile. Nice

Went to Chris and Sarah's for dinner last night, Suzanne and Mark were there. Mark is an amazingly attractive man, I literally gasped when he was introduced to me. Suzanne is pregnant - I am not surprised I would be too, I would be riding him morning noon and night. Mind you, I would ride Alex Ferguson if he asked me at the moment, the sex drought continues chez nous. I think I have forgotten how to do it.

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