Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is it all worth it?

So as I was piling my kids into my car at 7.45am, being pelted to death by a massive hail storm that had started the minute I locked the front door, having been up since 6 getting myself and them ready for work and school, dealing with the fact that the dishwasher has packed in and there's going to be a dilemma about whether to mend it again, or to buy a new one, and the above thought cheerily popped into my mind. Yes, the kids are worth it obviously, and mostly the job is worth it, but is the whole thing worth it? At least Ted went back into nursery so that was something.

The thing is, I had a really good day at work today, I really felt like I achieved loads, but really is it worth it????? Answers on a postcard to Quite Frankly....

1 comment:

The Candid Bandit said...

The fact that you are questioning it and weighing up pros and cons may mean that it isn't worth it for you 'right now'. It may be a different story in one years time and things may feel entirely different.

If you are eBay savvy, perhaps there is something you can think of to sell there?

There are also companies (I see them advertised on Facebook) who need data entry clerks to work from home. That could help with extra cash.

(sorry I havent commented lately, I really haven't spent a hell of alot of time online)