Friday, April 01, 2005

3 am

Is the time I struggled in this morning. Now, I don't want anyone thinking that I am some kind of raver, but I did have another night out last night, this time with the girls I met on my PGCE course last year. Went to OCA and had a prawn starter and a goats' cheese salad with no dressing. I would be a size ten if I didn't drink, I swear, as I would have been a perfect Weightwatcher if I hadn't imbibed at least a whole bottle of wine and three beers. Did dance though. Even so, would still have been alright if I had not practically inhaled a portion of chips and a coke at 2.30 - I was STARVING!!!!

Had a lovely night though, Sarah was on top form.

Been feeling rather under the weather today though, the older and the thinner I get the harder the grape hits me. Watched the new series of Footballers' Wives that Mike had videoed for me - it was quite good although I didn't like the bits with the babies. Nicola came round with the fabulous James this afternoon, it was really nice to see her, and James was as good as gold, he had a lovely sleep on my lap, I haven't lost my knack.

So far the holidays have been pretty good fun, I am looking forward to another week off although I do have to go into school on Tuesday


Dixie said...

Ahhh! Footballers Wives. That's where it comes from. A German version of the same show starts here next week. Looks hidious. The German remakes of dramatic shows from other countries always suck.

Beege said...

Girl, with all that dancing, I'm sure you burned a lot of what you took in. :) Gads, it's been so long since I've had a girl's night that didn't involve dirty diapers, "Good Night Moon" and a stuffed monkey..!

Well. The stuffed monkey part makes me sound interesting, anyway. ;)