Monday, July 11, 2005

I pinched this from Paul, whose blog I originally found through, I think, Marybeth maybe?

A is for Age: I am 33 - all the threes, the age my mother was when my Dad left her with no job and three kids - God I'm lucky
B is for Booze: I like, especially wine. In fact, I don't think I drink anything else these days - the occasional G and T.
C is for Career: I am a Primary School Teacher
D is for Dad's Name: John
E is for Essential Item to Bring to a Party: A bottle (see B)
F is for Favorite Songs at the Moment: "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. "Sometimes You Can't Make it on your Own" U2, "Vertigo" U2
G is for Goof-off Thing to Do: Surf t'Internet.
H is for Hometown: Sale, Near Manchester, England
I is for Instrument You Play: Guitar, also clarinet but not for a long time. I have a hankering to learn the piano
J is for Jam or Jelly You Like: I'm a jam fan, I have a lovely blackcurrant organic at the moment, I also love Lemon and Lime marmalade
K is for Kids: One, the divine Mr A
L is for Living Arrangement: I own a Victorian semi with my lovely hubby
M is for Mom's Name: Helen
N is for Names of Best Friends: apart from Mike and Alfie - Nicola, Clare, Gail, Sarah (R), Sarah (P), Rowena
O is for Overnight Hospital Stays: Broken leg (1984), nail in broken leg out( 1987), induction, birth and recovery from birth (2001)
P is for Phobias: I'm not keen on fish. And heights
Q is for Quotes You Like "No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent" Eleanor Rossevelt.
R is for Relationship That Lasted Longest: I've been with Mike 13 years and married 9 years
S is for Siblings: one sister, on brother, both younger. A step sister.
T is for Texas, ever been there?Never - only been to Florida
U is for Unique Trait: I don't think I have any!
V is for Vegetables You Love: Quicker to say the one that I don't - butterbeans. Love veggies!
W is for Worst Traits:Excessive self doubt
X is for X-rays You've Had: Lots - arm, leg, skull, hips, ultrasund scan of kidney and pelvic area, prenatal ultrasound scans, teeth
Y is for Yummy Food You Make: Mexican and chinese food, pasta ratatouille pie,moussaka, butter chicken, feta salad
Z is for Zodiac Sign: Scorpio - feel my hotness - rawr!!!

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