Wednesday, February 15, 2006


La la la la la la la - laptop issues are resolved and I no longer have to squint through a quarter of the screen to use it! Hurrah!

It's half term this week and as usual it's going too quickly. although we have really managed to fit in lots - we had a weekend at Centreparcs with my sister and her family which was really good, it was so lovely to spend some time with her and really get to know my lovely niece. Alfie and I have been very busy since we got back - soft play, visiting friends, Pizza... tomorrow we are having the cultural extravaganza of the cinema and the theatre all in one day- phew!

All in all it has been a really good week. Mike and I had a lovely Valentines Day, we stayed in and had a nice meal involving steak, strawberries, cava and Green and Black's chocolate, and just nattering all night long about loads of things. Anyway, one thing led to another and... so after that I was delighted to be awoken by my son at 6am visiting the little boys' room. Mike's get up tomorrow.

Speaking of whom, finally he is in gainful employment again, he starts a week on Monday and frankly not a moment too soon, as his procrastination skills are driving me to drink! I asked him to paint our bedroom ten days ago, as at least I thought that then he would have a tangible task to do, rather than making me cross by not having done what he should have around the house. Ten days later, and it is not finished - and it only has THREE fricken walls as one wall is wardrobes!!! I have told him it needs to be finished and so does Alfie's room before he goes back.

Our party invitations went out today, and I am very excited as well as very nervous: I still don't have a DJ, I am hoping a friend will pass me the name of a good one. I also don't know what to wear; I would like something new and fabulous, but not sure what exactly. I did buy a lovely black lace dress in the sales, but then I thought the party would be this weekend, and be still a bit wintry - now it's at the end of March - more spring like and less black lace like. Also, I'm kind of not really wanting to wear black - in my head I'm thinking chocolate brown or something. I just bet any money that I won't find anything despite money and my size not really being an object.

Any ideas on the style or outfit?

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