Saturday, January 13, 2007

Odds and sods

Had my latest scan this week (I am 21 weeks) and all is well - I have to go back in four weeks to check the chambers of the heart, but that isn't a problem - everything is fine. It was lovely to see my little one, and the scan was very clear, things have progressed even since A was in utero, and it seemed that I could practically see his/her face. I've got some nice pictures which I will try and get on here, but you know how technologically challenged I am...

It's been an odd week because I have been on my own - M has been working away, so it has been work/pick up A/home/tea/housework/bed. Plus the dishwasher has packed up, which is GREAT timing. I have felt a real crappy mother as it has all been rush, rush, rush, with lots of telly when we get home, and last minute spelling homework and reading, not to mention some very scrappy evening meals. I keep telling myself it would be different if it wasn't winter or if I wasn't pregnant, but I get so tired by the end of the day, I can barely wash up! However, I have found it difficult to sleep as I'm not used to being alone in the house in charge of one and a half children. So, it's been a wierd week. I'm sure I'll get used to it and it looks like I'm going to have to! Anyway, M came home early and surprised me on Thursday (I had already locked up the house!!!!) so he took A to school yesterday, rang the dishwasher man and did the housework in the afternoon, so that was nice. I took A to his swimming lesson and felt a bit more back to normal.

Apparently it is International Delurking week, so if you come here and never say hello, please will you? And if you come here and often say hello, please will you too?


So long, farewell! said...

Glad the scan went well darlin and glad your chap came home early! I don't know how anyone manages being pg with a lo... I'm having enough trouble being pg and there's only me to deal with (DH is fantastic at helping out and taking care of himself). Would love a dishwasher though as they are getting left till morning regularly... just too darn tired!

Love that it is delurking week... :o)


Kathy said...

Glad to hear everything was fine with the scan.

Unknown said...

Hello hello!

Glad to hear all's well. Are you going to find out if you're having a boy or girl?

lisa jane said...

Lisa....check.hello :)