Saturday, February 06, 2010


I hadn't realised it had been so long.

I've lost ten pounds to date, in four weeks of weighing - last week was a STS after a lovely weekend when Viv and Joff visited and then Sunday lunch with the Mansons - a boozy affair with Singstar and cheesecake. It was also PMT time, so there was water agogo. I'm feeling positive for Monday as I've had a great week food wise and been to the gym and really pushed it on the x-trainer - I'm now seeing how fast I can do 3 miles as I was getting a bit complacent and bored at plodding along at about nine miles an hour, so now I'm pushing myself and keeping up a pace of 11-14 miles an hour, and doing three miles in about 15 minutes. I'm lifting weights at 25-45 kilos depending on which one, and generally I feel pretty good. Not been swimming due to period, although went with Alfie today and had a nice time as bumped into a family we know, the Burgesses and the kids played whilst Sandra and I swam and chatted.

Mike and I had a long chat on Thursday night about ambition - he has been told at work that if "he wants to get to the nect level" he has to do x,y and z. He was saying to me that he oesn;t want to get to the next level; he loves doing what he does and he earns enough, so why would he want to. It tied in with something I've been thinking about about ambition; I've never really had one. I didn't go to Uni thinkning "then I'm going to do this" - my life has kind of "happened" to me. I've had goals: to get into Uni, to get my degree, to get a job, to have a baby, to train as a teacher, to get out of St Joes... but no great Life Plan.

I think that that's okay. I have no idea what the next 20 years will bring... I think that's for the best really. Let it happen, bring it on.

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