Friday, November 27, 2009

Fab and foxy at forty!

I can't believe that it's still here! And I am still here!

I have decided to relaunch this blog - with a sort of new theme - fab and foxy at forty!

In two years time I will be forty, not that old these days, but certainly enough to make me think particularly as I was very much a part of my mum's fortieth celebrations (I was 18 at the time).

It's made me think about my life. I've got the children I always wanted, and there aren't going to be any more, because Mike's had the snip. I'm in a house I love in an area I like. I have a new kitchen, bathroom and windows. I have got away from a job that was destroying my soul and a woman who was bullying and quite frankly, evil. I have a new job that is satisfying and a good balance between life and work. I earn a good salary. My kids are okay - sure I have my worries about them, but my worries are little ones. I could not love them more. Mike and I are in a good place, probably better than we've been for years, despite a huge row a couple of weeks ago - maybe even because of that.

I have a lot to be grateful for.

I want to get healthy now. I drink too much wine (four days a week, 1/2 to a full bottle) and I eat lots, I love food! It's usually good stuff, home made dinners and things, but still it's a lot. I never exercise - unless you count yomping around with a pram - I really don't like any of it.

So - I have some resolutions. Not New Years ones, earlier than that. There are 102 weeks until my 40th.

I have joined the gym - I am going to go three times a week, swimming initially - on a Wednesday between 5-6pm as that's when Alfie is at lacrosse, on a Sunday lunctime when Ted is in bed, and one evening a week, either Friday or a Tuesday. It's open until 10pm.

I will make an appointment during December to have a gym programme developed - and make a couple of the sessions a week gym sessions. I will be clear with the gym person, that I want especially to work on my tummy area, as that is the place I dislike most.

Handcream. Daily.

I currently have my eyebrows and upper lip waxed every three weeks. The last two times, I have had a nail tidy - I hate my nails they're very weak and ugly. So I've decided to have my waxing and nail tidy fortnightly. Three weeks is too long a time to wait to defuzz. So I'm going to increase that.

I have lots of lovely clothes, but I tend to not wear some of them because they're "best" or "too overdressed" - well I am going to wear more of them, more often - otherwise what's the point in having them? This means I am not going to buy anything new until March 2010 - I won't need anything.

I need a haircut - and a decent hairdresser. That can wait till the New Year I think; but I am not facing forty with straggly hair that I have to put up all the time.

Less wine - I need to drink water with it because sometimes I drink fast because I'm thirsty.

More fruit and veg: I eat a lot anyway, but I should eat more.

Writing this down I sound really self-centred and me, me, me - it isn't my motivation. The main issue is getting fitter, I want to see my kids grow up and make sure that I'm healthy to do it. The extra little bits are to help me keep my motivation up.

The blog, I hope, will be a record of this - what I've done and when ( I weighed myself this morning - it wasn't quite as bad as it could have been). I also want to maintain it as a record of our family life; reading back through has made me smile and reminisce - it's nice to remember, even when it's something that's bad.

So if you once read me, maybe come and read again - support me, listen to my ramblings

This week's target: By next Friday to have been for a swim three times. I'm going tonight - after my appointment at the salon for wax and nails...

1 comment:

Sally said...

Blimey woman! You're inspiring with all these resolutions and since i'm also 40 the same(ish) time as you maybe I should follow your example. Certainly will on the blogging front. Love you missus.